Wednesday 21 November 2012

Health and Safety

When filming there are a few things that we need to do to make sure everybody is safe and nobody gets injured. We are going to do the following to ensure our safety:

·         Make sure that each of us has an emergency contact number in case anything was to go wrong and make sure that we have each other’s phone numbers.

·         Everybody must be calm and take responsibility for their own actions

·         Everybody will be dressed in relation to the weather, wearing suitable footwear so we do not slip, fall and become injured.

·         No one is to act stupidly, running around our location, climbing etc. Make sure we are careful in where we step and what we do.

·         Make sure each member of the group knows how to use the equipment so that nothing gets broke and nobody hurts themselves with the equipment.

We have visited the location to make sure we know of any potential dangers when we are shooting. This will help us to make sure that nobody gets hurt and the opening to this thriller is a good one. We must also make sure that each of us act responsibly and respect our surroundings.

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