Sunday 17 February 2013

Q2 (Directors Cut Speech)

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

We are going to be putting the following script over different scenes from our production:

In our thriller we wanted to have a young actor, this helps to portray the innocence of the character whilst he searches through the old building to find the mysterious music.

We wanted to have our character in casual clothes. I feel this casual style helps to enhance the tension of the location by contrasting the calm look of the character and the old, destroyed look of the building. We also chose to have this type of clothing so it can relate as much as possible to our younger audience, as it is simply clothes that they would wear out and about, such as the hoody and jeans.

Because we have chosen Batman as our main inspiration, we chose to compare Jake with Detective John Blake, one of the reasons for this is their adventurous nature, the way Jake investigates the building is much like how the detective investigates the areas he is sent to, he also looks extremely like him, with the black hair and young face.

However, a simple difference is the costumes, the detective is dressed relatively smart, though this is a smart look, it wouldn’t have suited our production.

As you can see from the photos provided the main influence we have taken from The Dark Knight is Two Face’s makeup. I feel that the makeup turned out very well and gave the production an overall professional feel. The aim was to have Kieran looking as old as we could make him, we did his by getting him to grow a slight beard, we did this because the idea was that he had been abandoned in a fire by his farther many years ago. This is where he gained his facial burns and is now mentally challenged / scared.

In The Dark Knight, Two Face (Harvey Dent) is a good guy that unfortunately has half his face burnt off. He is a police offer that is trying to do the right thing. This is a slight comparison as in our production you have no reason to believe that Kieran is a bad character, until the very end of the production when he kills Jake.

A effective comparison is costume, because Havery Dent in the mayor or Gotham City, he is always seen in very smart clothing, such as a suit or just a smart shirt and as you can see from the photo, Kieran is wearing a smart, white shirt, this also links with our war theme as it was part of their costume, but the use of the white shirt also helps to contrast the purity of white compared to his burns and the blood from his wounds. 

Kieran is represented in our thriller as a character with physical disturbances, this is displayed within the shots of him rocking back and forth in the chair, this simple motion creates a very disturbing essence around his character, leading him to be seen as the antagonist within the opening, we had to use ideas such as the burns and the rocking as we didn’t want to have any dialogue, this could have left people confused otherwise.

In the batman movie you see how Harvey Dent gains his injury; we decided that it would be better and more dramatic if there was no clear reason for the burns. Also in the batman movie Harvey Dent is in hospital, he is In the correct hands and being taken care of, whereas In our movie the intention is that Kieran still hasn’t left the house that was burnt down. He does not care and may not feel the pain. This could be because of the dramatic experiences that he has been through. As Kieran stands up behind Jake he also shows no emotion in what he is about to do, this could suggest that he just doesn’t feel anything anymore. This could be due to the dramatic experiences he went through as a younger person.

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